Ella Andrea Garrison

Please join us at Bond Park this Saturday (10/10) at 12 PM to celebrate the life of our dear friends, Bobby and Lauren’s, precious little girl, Ella. You can RSVP at the link and sign-up to bring a potluck item.

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UPDATES, BLOG Daniel Huskey UPDATES, BLOG Daniel Huskey

Update on the Garrisons

Part of Paul's longer excursus on the 'marks of a true Christian,' he commands us to 'Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.' What an opportunity for the gospel to work in/through us!

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BLOG City Parish BLOG City Parish

City Ministries Statement of Unity

The Parish Church is honored to be a part of Petaluma City Ministries. Together, we are committed to serving and praying for our city. Please read our ‘Statement of Unity.’

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BLOG Daniel Huskey BLOG Daniel Huskey

A Seat at the Table of Lament

George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmad Arbery. All lives lost at the hands of injustice. How can our response go beyond mere rhetoric? We must decry injustice and inversely do righteousness and justice in the everyday stuff of life!

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