Developing a 'Rule of Life'

A ‘Rule of Life’ simply means establishing intentional rhythms and patterning our lives around our values of being Kingdom-people. Like anything we do, the goal is to become more like Christ in a chaotic world.

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GUIDES, BLOG City Parish GUIDES, BLOG City Parish

Read Scripture

Join us as we venture to read the whole Bible this year as a part of our yearlong series, ‘Year of Biblical Literacy.’ Download the app or use the guide at

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EVENTS, BLOG City Parish EVENTS, BLOG City Parish

The Bible: A Conference

What is the Bible? Can I trust the reliability of Scripture? How do we use the Bible for spiritual formation? Check out the notes and listen to a live recording of the conference!

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EVENTS, BLOG City Parish EVENTS, BLOG City Parish

Friendsgiving 2019

Join us for the third-annual Friendsgiving! Enjoy a good time with friends (both new and old), neighbors, and family as we come together to celebrate all that we have to be thankful for!

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BLOG Alex Torres BLOG Alex Torres

The Psalms – Week 17

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Has his word of promise ever failed? Then let us not entertain any unbelieving suspicions of his future care of us.

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