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Happy Fall and Winter, City Parish! We’ve got some exciting things coming up that we want to remind everyone of…
Happy Summer, City Parish! We’ve got some really cool things coming up this summer including our first ever all-church camping trip. We can’t wait to ‘summer’ with you all!
Logan and McKenzie are amazing evidences of God’s grace. They have followed Christ together their whole marriage, but had long been praying for a church family to belong to. Then, City Parish moved into McKenzies classroom and…
City Parish turned five in 2023. That might not sound significant at the outset, but that’s a significant milestone in the church planting world. And more than a milestone, it’s evidence of the immeasurable grace the Lord has continued to show us as he keeps building his Church!
Daniel and Jessica, along with their three kids and a core team, planted City Parish 5 years ago. It’s been a joy-filled, painstaking, worthwhile journey—and this year feels especially important given all that it signifies.
Josh von Damm represents so much that excites us about Gen Z. His faith is fresh, real, humble, and committed. He’s an eager learner and quick to serve. We’re so thankful he’s a part of the family of City Parish.
We’re so excited to announce that City Parish has qualified to receive a matching grant of $21,500 from TBC! Would you prayerfully consider helping us meet our goal of turning that into $64,000?
Happy September, City Parish! We’ve got some really cool things coming up in September including City Parish turning 5, commissioning our first non-staff elder, and more!
After a lot of prayer and searching, we’re so excited to announce that City Parish is moving our Sunday Gathering location to McDowell Elementary starting on Sunday, July 23, 2023!
We hope you’ll join us as we move our Sunday Gathering outside this coming Sunday, May 7 at 10:30 AM. And to make things even more festive, we’re following it up with a catered Picnic.
As we dive into the book of James, we’ll see that he is calling us to live into true wisdom that embodies Jesus’ summary of the Torah by loving God and loving our neighbor.
Before we get started in our new series on Jonah, check out this immensely helpful video from our friends at Bible Project as they walk through a whole overview of the book.
Whether you like football or not, few things are cemented into the American psyche than good friends gathered around good food for the Super Bowl. Join us for a great potluck!
Four years… It’s been FOUR YEARS since we planted City Parish. We are more and more convinced of God’s goodness with ever step we take into this journey.
We dropped the definite article ‘the’ in favor of ‘City’ and pursued a logo that intentionally captured our value of honoring the richness of our ancient/historic faith.
Mike and Hanni have been faithful church members most of their lives but often felt something was missing. Read about their story in recapturing the wonder of Christ’s church.
Kristen has seen God transform her heart for his bride, the Church through her time w/City Parish and now she serves on our staff as our Deacon of Administration!
We’ve got an awesome night of celebrating Advent together on Thursday, December 15. We’d love for anyone and everyone to join us at 6 PM for an amazing time!
Happy December, City Parish! We’ve got some amazing ways to share in the delight of Advent together coming up in the next few weeks. Check ‘em out and we hope to see you there!
Happy November, City Parish! We’ve got some great opportunities to gather together outside of our normal rhythms. We hope to see you all at First Feasts and our All-Family Member Meeting & Lunch.
We’re so excited to announce that City Parish has qualified to receive a matching grant of $30,000 from TBC! Would you prayerfully consider helping us meet our goal?
Before we get started in our new series on Ephesians that we’re calling ‘New Creation,’ check out this video from our friends at Bible Project doing a whole overview of the book.
We’re so excited for Together ‘22. Join City Parish and other churches from across Petaluma in worshipping Christ and seeking his provision and welfare of our great city. Learn More…
Some of you astute observationalists saw that we subtly went through our website, socials, and church apps and updated the name of the church. Click here to read up on why.
To accommodate the [fun, wonderful, and welcomed] disruptions of Summer, our MCs are pivoting to combine Family Meals for 8 weeks through September 8. We hope you’ll join us!
Resurrection Sunday is the climax of the church’s liturgical calendar — and of human history. It is a day worthy of joy, gladness, and celebration. But let’s not only celebrate together at the Gathering…
As we continue to grow as a church, we remain joyfully committed to being a family where all have a role. In that vein, we have some amazing things coming up this month. Check it out.
Lent is first and foremost about the gospel making its way deeper into our lives. Lent is a season of preparation and repentance during which we anticipate the death and resurrection of Jesus.
We’re hearing from A LOT of you that you’re under the weather. We’ll be offering a Livestream tomorrow to anyone who isn’t feeling well and/or ought to hang back out of an abundance of caution.
The Parish Church hit an important milestone this past fall — we turned three! But in the beautiful, wonderful chaos of a powerful season of ministry, we almost missed it.