SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Witness To The Word

No one had ever seen God in a full/complete way until Jesus revealed him (1:18) — The world still cannot see God except through Jesus’ through his witnesses (i.e. his Church/disciples) modeling their lives after the character of Jesus (John 13:35, 17:21-23; 1 John 4:12).

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Word as Life & Light

Jesus is eternally one with the Father—the very Word of God (John 1:1–2), God’s agent in creating all things (vv. 3–4). And as he spoke light and brought life into the dark void of pre-creation chaos, so Jesus brings light and life into the dark world of sin and death.

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SERMONS C.J. Bergmen SERMONS C.J. Bergmen

The Creative Word

What we see in Jesus, the creator of all things, is both the joy of creating itself and the love of sharing it with others. Our understanding of and belief in Jesus as the Creator is an indispensable attribute to our ability to mirror his creativity as image bearers.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Preexistent Word

In vv. 1-2, John is saying the gospel reveals that the meaning of life isn’t an abstract idea or to “find what makes you happy and do it” (like the Greeks believed), but to be in a relationship with the creator of the universe — an idea as mind-boggling as it is wonderful!

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Living Into The Kingdom

“The sermon, therefore, is not a list of requirements, but rather a description of the life of a people gathered by and around Jesus. [The] Church, then, forms the context for the ethic of Jesus.” — Stanley Hauerwas

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Explore God: Week 7

God invites us to seek Him… He shows us the road to travel… And He provides the spiritual nourishment for the journey. But these will do us little good unless we make time in our hurried, distracted lives to use them.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Explore God: Week 6

Contrary to what Dan Brown or other 21st Century pseudo-scholars may argue, the Bible was not haphazardly or nefariously collected into a book of pet-doctrines by an elitist patriarchy! It was much more intellectually, theologically, historically, and spiritually informed.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Explore God: Week 5

“You can shut [Christ] up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.” — C.S. Lewis

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