Explore God: Week 4
Where caricatures often paint God as angry, callous to our human situation, and distant, he reveals himself to be a God of steadfast love, intimately and powerfully involved, and ever-present in our lives. And that love is eternally magnified in the person and work of Jesus!
Explore God: Week 3
The one who called stars into being will also call his own from death to life. Jesus’s power over death is absolute and it is the only hope we have in the face of our inevitable end. But what a glorious hope it is!
Explore God: Week 2
Tim Keller pointedly states, “To stay away from Christianity because part of the Bible's teaching is offensive to you assumes that if there is a God he wouldn't have any views that upset you. Does that belief make sense?”
Explore God: Week 1
C.S. Lewis said so profoundly, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.“ That other world is the Kingdom of God and through Jesus, we all have the invitation!
Money: Righteous or Unrighteous?
The Sermon on the Mount teaches us, amongst other things, that living out of and into Jesus' Kingdom vision — a vision of whole-person flourishing — transforms and renews our approach to money, resources, and all material things!
September Events
Happy September, City Parish! We’ve got some really cool things coming up in September including City Parish turning 5, commissioning our first non-staff elder, and more!
Money: Wise or Foolish?
We need wisdom/hokhmah IF we’re going to rightly live into the Story of God and IF we’re going to receive money as the good gift that it is, using it in a way that rightly worships God as the gift giver and promotes the righteousness and justice he calls us to.
Money: Ours or Mine?
We are all formed by a story. In the book of Deuteronomy, we see that if Israel remembers God’s story—and their’s of redemption—they can negate the Canaanite practices so that the land takes on the character/quality of Israel’s faith (i.e. revealing God’s true story).
Money: Blessing or Curse?
“God is continually giving gifts to his people. Whenever he does, the most appropriate response on our part is to thank him for them, worship him through them, make good use of them, and seek more of them—and in doing so, we will avoid earning them, spurning them, or idolizing them.” — Andrew Wilson