The Origins Of The Bible

For 2020, we're spending the entire year exploring the Bible, its story, and significance for us as followers of Jesus. Here is our working definition of the Bible: “The Bible is a library of writings that are both divine and human, that together tell a unified story, which leads us to Jesus.”

This past Sunday we continued in a four-part mini-series called ‘The Bible & Authority.’ This week we dove headfirst into a vital topic… and one that many of us are totally confused by — the origins of the Bible. Take a listen and dive in as we investigate the ‘Origins of the Bible.’

Below the sermon you can find the bonus content that Daniel talked about. Take some time over the next few days/weeks to really dig deeper into the where the Bible came from, how it was canonized, and why we can totally trust the Bible that we have today.


CLD – Foundations In Bible


Family Member Class – Spring 2020