SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

A Story of Remembrance

Throughout all of the Scriptures, God’s people are called to establish communal and personal rhythms that call us to remember who He is, what He’s done, who that makes us, and what we’re called to do.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

A Story of Spiritual Renewal

Spiritual renewal — Both personal and communal — comes from dying to self. Esther gets this… And she calls God’s people to fast, and mourn, and weep. To seek God. May we do the same.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

A Story of Resistance

“The vulnerability that leads to flourishing requires risk, which is the possibility of loss—the chance that when we act, we will lose something we value.” — Andy Crouch

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

A Work in People

For Christians, the story [of Esther] is a reminder that God doesn’t abandon his people, no matter how dark their circumstances, how compromised their hearts are, or how hidden he may seem.

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