SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Christmastide: A Light

The Law that God brought through Moses necessitated grace and truth that could only come through Jesus. He came to us as the greater Moses — to bring a greater exodus.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Embodied Presence

The Incarnation of Jesus reminds us afresh of how vital it is that we are an embodied creation — designed to flourish by being ‘in the flesh’ in the presence of both God and others.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Prepare the Way

John’s the Baptist is jarring to our contemporary/domesticated view of Christmas. But this is something we must sit with as we ourselves prepare the way in our hearts for Advent.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Already/Not Yet

The Peaceable Kingdom (cf. Isaiah 11:1-9) comes under the reign and rule of Jesus. Why, then, does it seem that this Peaceable Kingdom is nowhere to be found?

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