SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Abiding in Christ: Part 1

God’s gracious and empowering presence with his people is not an invitation to settle down and forget the rest of the world: it is a summons to mission. As the true vine (i.e. the true Israel), Jesus calls us to be the true branches that bear true fruit which is his life being made visible in the midst of the life of the world.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Our Advocates

In John 14, Jesus promises his disciples "another advocate." That advocate/helper/counselor is the "Spirit of truth." What the Spirit of God primarily wants to do is tell us, teach us, remind us that we are in Jesus and as such, we are in the Father.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Truth for Troubled Hearts

As "the way, the truth, and the life," Jesus serves as the better/truer/eternal prophet, priest, and king. Therefore, his promise of “greater works” means that as prophet, priest, and king, his purposes will be amplified by his multiplying believers and expanding church. 

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The A-Side & B-Side of Love

In John 13, Jesus was flanked at the table (and in his whole life, really) by love and betrayal. As disciples of Jesus’, the more we are with him, become like him, and do what he did, the more that will be true of our life as well.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

A King Who Serves

John 13:1-17 is not just about an honored teacher performing a shameful act to serve His pupils — It tells the story that God Himself, who has authority over all of the cosmos and reality itself — has taken on the role of a servant. Jesus’ people serve people because they are served-people.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Hard Truth Brings Great Hope

John 12:37 says, "Though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him,..." The temptation for us might be to think, "How is that possible?!" But there's a lot to unpack with what Jesus is trying to teach us through John's gospel here.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

True Worship

Mary's annointing of Jesus at Bethany reveals to us what true worship looks like. Where others around her saw waste, Jesus saw worship. She had been so shaped/changed by Jesus that she couldn't help but give him what was costly and fitting.

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