The Final Sacrifice
We’re continuing right along in our Series, ‘Anchor of the Soul,’ where we’ve been exploring the book of Hebrews. If you've been following along, you’ve heard us say that Hebrews is unique in its composition in that it’s written as a sermon more than a letter. As such, it keeps building upon itself — The ideas that the ‘preacher’ keeps presenting are tied together. So if you haven’t had a chance to catch up, it might be a good idea to do so.
For Week 11, we explored Hebrews 10:1-18 and continued on in the excursus that the preacher has been hammering home for the past 5 weeks in our series (Chapters 8, 9, & 10). The BIG IDEA this week was simple: JESUS+NOTHING=EVERYTHING. Jesus has done away with the sacrificial system through the tabernacle and has made a way by one sacrifice (his body — his life) once and for all sanctifying those who believe for all time! Give it a listen and we pray that encourages you to increasingly submit your whole life to the empowering presence and lordship of Jesus Christ!