The City Hymnal

The Parish Church is excited to be partnering with Hillside Church and Petaluma Christian church for the first [of hopefully many] nights of worship called ‘They City Hymnal.’

A hymn is defined statically by Merriam-Webster as “a song of praise to God.” But theologically and historically hymns have served the church in a powerfully rich way. And despite what many may think or teach, hymns have nothing to do with a specific era of church music or style. Any and every song that we sing to and for the glory of God is a hymn. The church for it’s entire history, and the Israelites before that, have sung songs, Psalms, and other Scriptures to remind ourselves of who our mighty God is, what he has done, and who that then makes us — His people, His children, His church!

Paul commends the Ephesians to ‘…be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with [their] heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,…’ And so, in receiving that same call upon us, the Church in Petaluma, we choose willingly to gather in unity to sing hymns to our God for who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s continuing to do in and through us.

We hope you’ll join us for The City Hymnal on Sunday, February 17 from 5 PM—6 PM. We’ll have childcare provided for the younger kids with the anticipation that kiddos elementary-aged and up will join us for worship! If you have any questions, reach out to us at


Sermon On The Mount – Week 14


Sermon On The Mount – Week 13