SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Kingdom & The Spirit

Christ is the fulfillment of God’s promise, bringing redemption through His life, death, and resurrection, establishing His Kingdom by defeating sin and death. His Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is commissioned to continue His mission—proclaiming the gospel, making disciples, and embodying His Kingdom on earth as a “colony of heaven in a country of death.”

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SERMONS Josh Jones SERMONS Josh Jones

Jesus is Everything

In this episode, we dive into the bold claim that Jesus is Everything—the linchpin of the entire biblical story. From Israel’s deep longing for a Messiah to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we explore how He fulfills God’s promises, ushers in the kingdom, and transforms our lives. If Jesus truly is everything, then everything must change—our identity, hope, and mission all realign around Him.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Promise & Purpose

Covering centuries worth of history in one sermon can be daunting, but it exposes the wondrous reality of God’s marvelous and utter consistency of providing promise and purpose to he is people. The OT Covenants, leading to the New Covenant in Christ’s atoning work, are remarkable parts of the Story of God that the Spirit is leading us to live into.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

Rebellion and Consequences

Genesis 3 tells of the tragic story of humanity’s rebellion against God’s good Kingship, revealing how sin distorts our relationship with God, each other, and creation. Despite the consequences, God lays the groundwork for his redemptive plan through Jesus, offering hope and restoration.

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SERMONS Joe Button SERMONS Joe Button

Good Creation

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells one grand story - the true story of the whole world. This grand story provides the essential context for humanity to understand its place and purpose in the world! And this grand story begins with creation and the one true God who created everything magnificently good. To complete his creation God made humanity, in his likeness, to be stewards of creation and to magnify God’s blessing and goodness throughout the whole world.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Meaning of the Bible

So many of us are confused by the Bible because we've been taught to see it as disconnected moral stories, but it's so much more than that. The Bible is actually a brilliant, unified library revealing how we got here and how God, through Jesus, is making all things right and new.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Origins of the Bible

One of our greatest problems with the Bible lies in a fundamental glitch in our understanding of it—where it came from, what it’s for, and how we’re meant to engage with it—creating a paradox we rarely stop to question.

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Reason for the Bible

[The Bible] does not flatter us, it does not seek to please us. We enter [into it] to meet God as he reveals himself, not to look for truth or history or morals that we can use for ourselves. What he insisted on supremely was that we do not read the Bible in order to find out how to get God into our lives, get him to participate in our lives. That’s getting it backwards. — Eugene Peterson

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SERMONS Daniel Huskey SERMONS Daniel Huskey

The Problem with the Bible

Let’s be honest, there are some complicated parts of the Bible that we have problems with. The challenge then becomes, what do we do with them? Part of our series called ‘The Bible & Authority’ takes a deep dive into how we address that problem.

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