STORIES: Drew & Stephanie

Drew & Steph were some of the first folks to jump onto our Core Team at the very end of 2017 — and they did so with both feet. Individually they both have amazing testimonies, but together, those testimonies only get stronger. They’ve been a rock of consistency for us to lean into and grow alongside with. They’ve served radically and selflessly and have been committed to growing in Christ together with us. This past June, they welcomed their [and The Parish Church’s] first baby, Duke. It’s a joy to partner with them as we seek to be a gospel-centered family practicing the way of Jesus for the renewal of our cities.

We asked Drew to write us a quick paragraph on what the Lord has been doing in and amongst them these past couple of years. I pray you’ll be encouraged by his honesty and redemptive story of God’s provision over their lives.

Over the last couple of years that my wife Stephanie and I have been with The Parish, we've come to understand what it looks like for a local community of believers to pursue Christ in the midst of life's mess. It hasn't been an easy start, and we've learned a lot about our personal faults and sins that hinder our pursuit of Christ. However, it's exactly within the values and mission of this local church to endure in that pursuit by the power of the Holy Spirit. And God has been sanctifying me and my wife in it. My idolatrous need for human approval and my wife's for perfect performance are slowly being crushed by the weight of Christs glory that has been magnified here. My family has not only found a wider family within this body of believers at The Parish but I've greatly appreciated them faithfully standing beside us and praying for us as we journey towards the goal together.


One Year In – Ministry Update
