He Will Come Again In Glory

Hope has oft been co-opted into a fleeting, passive emotion in our culture. But biblical hope is action-oriented and rooted in the truth of who God is, what He’s done, and who that now makes us in light of that. This Advent season we’re exploring what this true and living hope looks like through our Gatherings, daily readings, and weekly conversations. CLICK HERE to check out those resources.

For Week 1, we looked forward to the wonderful reality that Christ is one day returning. Daniel taught us that ‘the reality that Christ will come again in glory gives us real, actionable hope in the present because it is anchored by what he’s accomplished in the past.’ Give it a listen.

Like thousands of churches worldwide, this global pandemic has forced us to be creative in our response — both in terms of how we gather and how we serve our community. Though we believe the normative pattern established in Scripture for community anticipates embodied presence of the Gathered Church, there are certain times where that’s not as safe. We find ourselves in such a time and are thankful to be able to leverage the digital landscape to remain faithful to plugging into community. This week’s Gathering came by way of smaller House Gatherings (following local, state, and federal guidelines) via Zoom. We’d love for you to join us next week!


God's Presence & His Promises


Humility & Unity