The Church Triumphant

We’re launching into a new sermon series through the book of Ephesians that we’re calling ‘New Creation.’ Ephesians unfolds a bold drama of the revelation/ apocalypse of the reconciliation of all things and the unification of Heaven and Earth through the work/person of Jesus. It’s a remarkable book and one that has long been heralded for its rich, deep theology.

The ESV Gospel Transformation Bible sums up Ephesians 1:15-23 nicely: “In addition to giving thanks (v. 16), Paul makes three petitions, all of which are instructive for our prayer lives. We should pray to know God better (v. 17). We should pray to know God’s riches (v. 18). We should pray to know God’s power (v. 19).

The anatomy of God’s “for-us” power is remarkable. First, we are told that the One who is for us is at the right hand of God, the position of highest privilege given to Christ for all ages after his resurrection and ascension (vv. 20–21). Next, as Jesus is in that honored position, God places all things under his feet and gives him authority over all (vv. 21–22). Finally, we are told the purpose of Christ’s dominion is for the church (v. 22), his body, which not only reflects him but ultimately “fills all in all” (v. 23).

These statements of the amazing privilege, power, and future for the church of which all believers are a part receive further explication as Paul’s letter unfolds. He will go on to tell us that we can fulfill God’s calling to fill all things with Christ’s purposes because the risen Lord who is head over the church is the One who cares for the church (5:29), strengthens the church (4:15–16), and exercises authority over the church (5:22–24). And finally, Paul reminds us that we do this together because collectively we are the body of Christ, held together by him and made to be like him in every way (4:13). When we recall that all of this power is for us, it is no wonder that we should pray that our eyes might be opened to see it, marvel, and believe (1:18).”

Give the sermon text a read and a listen and we hope to see you this week at a Family Meal and/or a DNA group to dive even deeper.


Matching Grant '22


The Spirit's Work