Matching Grant Opportunity


Church planting is as tremendously wonderful as it is enormously difficult. Faithfulness to the gospel and a commitment to discipleship — what Friedrich Nietzsche calls, “a long obedience in the same direction” — are the only means of running the race well and in a way that is sustainable. And this has certainly been our experience thus far. And still, every so often, the Lord will supply such extreme evidences of his grace and mercy, that in that moment, it becomes undeniably clear that this is the path he has called us to walk.

One of those moments came about a month ago when we were alerted that Transforming the Bay with Christ (TBC) had selected The Parish Church (amongst a few other Bay Area church plants) to receive a $20,000 ‘matching grant.’ I mean, “COME ON!” Thank you, Jesus! Right?! This means that we’ve been given the unique opportunity to raise $20,000 by January 15 in order to have those funds matched — effectively doubling our efforts.


So here’s the ask: We’d be humbled and honored if you would prayerfully consider helping us meet our goal of raising $20,000. It’s an audacious ask and an audacious number. But we feel more confident than ever that this is what the Lord is calling us to do. I’m assuming that you fall into one of three categories of folks who’ve found their way to this page:

  • If you’ve been a long-time Ministry Partner, you’ve already loved, supported, and given so generously to what the Lord has done and continues to do. Perhaps this is one of the final “hoorahs” to help us towards financial sustainability.

  • If you’re brand new to The Parish Church, what a remarkable season to be joining us in! Perhaps this could be an inaugurating way for the Lord to use you as you become part of the family.

  • Or perhaps you’re an individual from outside of the area or are a church/organization that either got a call from us or heard about us from a friend. We’re so glad you did. We’d count it a blessing upon blessings if you’d consider helping us meet this goal. To provide some context, we’d love to invite you to check out our ‘Year One Update.’

We’re humbled and grateful that you’d consider partnering with us in this unique, wonderful, and exciting opportunity. Even if you aren’t able to help, will you join us in praying for the funds to come through? Thank you for being vessels of blessing from the Lord. We’re thankful to God for each of you!


If you feel the Lord’s leading you to help us meet our goal, here are some specific instructions on how to make sure your financial contribution counts towards the $20,000 ‘matching funds.’ Funding will be given through the National Christian Foundation (NCF) and therefore, you’ll need to send your donation to the NCF.

Online Donations

Online donations can be given here. Be sure to leave the NCF Fund #2576319 and ‘The Parish Church’ in the memo line.


Physical checks should be made out to “National Christian Foundation” with the NCF Fund #2576319 and ‘The Parish Church’ in the memo line.

NCF California Office

650 Town Center Drive, Suite 810

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

After you’ve done either of the following options, would you be willing to email us at so that we can report your donation to our team in real time, please?


The Psalms – Week 17


One Year In – Ministry Update